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Тест на уровень знания английского языка 🇬🇧


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Тест на знание английского языка

Ответьте на 65 вопросов и узнайте ваш уровень знания английского языка.

1 / 65

No, I've never ______ a classical music concert.

2 / 65

______ are you mad?
Because you are late!

3 / 65

You can use my car ______ tomorrow.

4 / 65

The little dog ______ my leg.

5 / 65

Thomas can't get out of bed because he ______ his leg.

6 / 65

Whiskey gets better and better as it ______.

7 / 65

______ in the race last Sunday?
Yes, she ran thirty five kilometers.

8 / 65

Do they ever arrive on time?

9 / 65

Right now, my mother ______ dinner in the kitchen.

10 / 65

There is just a little.

11 / 65

I will speak ______ Suzanne when I see her.

12 / 65

The Kowalskis have always ______ the same doctor.

13 / 65

Who is your mother's husband?

14 / 65

You can have ice cream ______ cake, but not both.

15 / 65

Are there any good restaurants around here?
Yes, ______ the highway.

16 / 65

Please, let me ______!

17 / 65

These pants ______ mine; that jacket is yours.

18 / 65

Which river is bigger: the Amazon or the Nile?

19 / 65

What is she doing?

20 / 65

I was driving ______ the road when my car started making a funny sound.

21 / 65

Is that boy Mary's son?

22 / 65

Edward has always ______ things very quickly and efficiently.

23 / 65

The wind ______ hard all night.

24 / 65

The train goes ______ many tunnels on the way to Rome.

25 / 65

Yes, there is one right across the street.

26 / 65

Were you tired after the trip in the mountains?

27 / 65

What color are John's eyes?

28 / 65

What have you done?

29 / 65

He was invited ______ he did not come.

30 / 65

I can't see anything in this ______.

31 / 65

By now, they have all ______.

32 / 65

I've ______ a terrible headache.

33 / 65

______ the football game last night?
No, last night we went out to dinner.

34 / 65

How heavy is a liter of water?

35 / 65

Where are my car keys?
They are ______ your hand!

36 / 65

Next weekend, we hope to ______ for a few days.

37 / 65

Hello, ______ are you?
I'm fine thanks, and you?

38 / 65

I have never ______ such a boring book!

39 / 65

Where is the post office?

40 / 65

Turn right at the next intersection, then go straight for about two kilometers. Go ______ the school and the supermarket, and then turn left.

41 / 65

I'm sleepy because I ______ at six o'clock this morning.

42 / 65

Shhh! Please don't talk so loud; the baby ______.

43 / 65

Monica is tired. She doesn't want to go ______ school.

44 / 65

What are you wearing to the party?

45 / 65

I am having dinner with ______ tonight.

46 / 65

Whose keys are these?
______ are mine.

47 / 65

English grammar is the worst grammar of any language.
No, it isn't. German grammar ______

48 / 65

Put your arms ______ me and kiss me you fool!

49 / 65

Where ______ you last night?

50 / 65

What ______?
This is my new diamond ring.

51 / 65

The police went ______ all of Karl's things, but they didn't find any guns.

52 / 65

______ "Coca-cola" an American company?

53 / 65

______ is your house? It's the small grey one.

54 / 65

Is there a doctor in the house?

55 / 65

Taipei is ______ Taiwan.

56 / 65

Elizabeth's been working there ______ only eight months.

57 / 65

Don't count your chickens ______ they're hatched.

58 / 65

I told you ______ you didn't listen.

59 / 65

Paul can't touch the ceiling because he is too ______.

60 / 65

Never look directly ______ the sun. It is bad for your eyes.

61 / 65

Were they late this morning?

62 / 65

The milk is ______ the refrigerator.

63 / 65

______ they the first customers of the day?

64 / 65

They're tired ______ they worked for ten hours.

65 / 65

Who is your daughter's brother?

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(2) комментария

  • Денис Куприн
    Денис Куприн
    14.03.2022 в 01:20 Ответ

    Друзья, привет! Сегодня полностью обновили тест на знание английского языка. Теперь викторина содержит 70 вместо 50 вопросов. Делитесь в комментариях своими результатами, вопросами и предложениями!

  • Халима
    18.03.2022 в 15:51 Ответ

    Хотела узнать свой уровень Английского языка

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